

Some people say I suck... but I say, only if you stick your neck
out for me. Relax and enjoy the view.<wink>

WARNING: Nothing will help you once you cross the portals of the Misty
Moon There's a chill in the air, the wind blows cold. Dead things are restless, and spirts grow bold. You quake,
you quiver, you are stunned with fear As off in the distance a skeleton does appear. He rises from the grave, moldy
and smelling You hear your own voice, and realize you are yelling. You gather your wits, and run to the right But
with an eerie moan, a ghost comes into sight. You turn again, trying to escape This time its a ghoul, in a long batwing
cape, fangs flashing in the night. Oh,the horror of this misty moon.

Listen to the night
as it whispers your name...
It is calling.
Watch as leaves dances like tongues of flames...
It is calling.
Feel a chill rattle through your frame...
It will soon be here !





Did You Know?
It is a fact that once upon a time, before modern embalming techniques were
developed, people were found on very rare occasions to have been buried alive. It's most likely, however, that 18th and 19th
century horror stories involving premature burial were inspired by the medical discovery that victims of suffocation and drowning
could be resuscitated — that though they appeared dead, they really weren't. This was a frightening realization for
many people.
In any case, so strong was the fear of "precipitate interment" during the 19th
century that some of the wealthier folk were known to stipulate in their wills that their coffins be outfitted with signaling
devices ... just in case.

Halloween history
• Many experts believe the druids were the first to observe Halloween. Dating back
to 700 B.C., they celebrated the festival of Samhain (the end of the harvest and a time to honor the dead) on November 1.
In the ensuing years, the night before became known as the Eve of All Hallows, a.k.a. Hallow Even, a.k.a. Hallow e'en.
• Ever wonder how trick-or-treating got started? On the evening before Samhain,
people left food on their doorsteps to keep hungry spirits from entering the house. Festivalgoers started dressing in ghost,
witch, and goblin costumes so wandering spirits would leave them alone. To this day, these are Halloween's most popular costumes.
• The word witch comes from the Saxon word wicca, which means "wise one."

She is the Witch Cat, She's vigorous and spiteful, an expert at hissing, and
she's good in a fight, She has balance and poise on a broomstick every night. She is the Witch Cat, with her hypnotic
eyes she tantalizes her victims and mesmerizes spies, and be adept at scanning the skies. She is the Witch cat, With her
sly, cunning smile, And her knowledge of spells She's a good deal of guile, With a fairly hot temper And plenty of bile. She
is the Witch Cat She's not afraid to fly, For a cat with strong nerves The salary's high Wanted - a witch cat; Only the wickedest
need apply.






Halloween Trivia Died on Halloween: Legendary magician Harry Houdini died in Detroit
of gangrene and peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix Halloween in 1926.
Here is some fun trivia about Halloween and its lore:
Signs of a Werewolf:
Hairy palms Claw for left thumbnail Tattoos Unibrow Long middle
finger Lazy and tired during the day Sleeps with mouth open
Ancient Lore:
A spider rolled in butter and swallowed to cure plague and leprosy.
To cure a toothache, spit into the mouth of a frog and asked it to carry away the pain.
To release a person possessed by a ghost, throw dust from your footprint at them.
The middle finger is poisonous and if you touch an open wound with it, it will never
If a candle flame suddenly turns blue, there's a ghost nearby.
Pennsylvania did not have a werewolf problem; rather it had a problem with wererats.
Black cats caused the plague.
If cat jumps over a coffin during burial, the deceased will become a vampire.
Frightening Facts:
Dracula is the most filmed story of all time.
The biggest pumpkin to date weighed 1,092 lbs. at the 1998 Pumkinfest.
Vincent Price almost became a gourmet cook instead of an actor.
Halloween candy sales average around 2 billion in the U.S.
Months that start on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th.
A dentist invented the Electric Chair.
In France over 30,000 werewolf cases were tried between 1520 and 1630.
Spooky Music
Scary Pictures
Halloween Fun
Visit The Creepy Castle
Ask Ozmo
Do You dare Go To Ghost Hill?
Visit The Haunted Mansion
Scary Places

